In [1]:
# obligatory import statements
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_squared_log_error, mean_absolute_error
from sympy import symbols, log, sqrt, Piecewise
from sympy.functions import Abs
from sympy.plotting import plot

Choosing a loss function for regression


In short, the workflow can be summarized as follows:

  1. Choose MSE
  2. Check distribution of residual errors
  3. If this is symmetric with heavy tails consider Huber
  4. Else if the values are positive (although offset can deal with negative values) and the errors are positively skewed with a heavy right tail consider MSLE

With the regression data frame analytics jobs we now support three different loss functions: mse, msle, and huber. While all three of them can be used to train a model to predict real-valued data by minimizing average loss between actual values $a_i$ and predictions $p_i$ $$\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}L(a_i,p_i),$$ they would work best in different scenarios. Let's look at what loss function works best for which case.

Mean squared error (MSE)

MSE is the most commonly used loss function. It works well in many scenarios and you should try it if you are unsure which loss function to use or you don't know much about your data.

As the name suggests, MSE minimizes the quadratic difference between the prediction and the actual value: $$L(a_i,p_i) = \tfrac{1}{2}(a_i-p_i)^2$$

In [2]:
a = symbols('a') #actual value
p = symbols('p') #predicted value
mse = lambda a,p: (a-p)**2
mse_plot = plot(mse(0, p),(p, -3, 3), show=False, legend=True, line_color="red")

The problem with the squared error is that it makes small errors (< 1.0) even smaller and large large errors (>1.0) disproportionately larger.

This means that if you have a few outliers in your data, for example, due to a large measurement error, the model will put useless effort to fit these data points often degrading the accuracy of the majority of predictions as a result.

In [3]:
# Let's see how to identify 
N = 10000
w = np.ones(5)
X = np.random.randn(N, 5)
y =

# The last 1000 target values get some serious noise
y[-1000:] += np.random.normal(0,100.0, 1000)

mse = lambda x: mean_squared_error(y,

x0 = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) #initial guess
result_w = minimize(mse, x0, tol=1e-5)['x'] #MSE result
residuals_mse = y -

# Plot the distribution of the residuals
kde = gaussian_kde(residuals_mse)
dist_space = np.linspace(min(residuals_mse), max(residuals_mse), 100)
_ = pl.plot(dist_space, kde(dist_space))

Datasets with large outliers show heavy tails in the residual distribution when trained using MSE as shown above.

In these cases what you would usually want to do is instead of fitting the mean squared error to fit the mean absolute error (MAE) $$L(a_i,p_i) = \vert a_i - p_i\vert^2$$

In [4]:
mae = lambda a,p: Abs(a-p)
mae_plot = plot(mae(0, p),(p, -3, 3), show=False, line_color="blue")
mae_plot[0].label = "MAE"

MAE does not over-prioritize outliers and it is easy to interpret: mean absolute error of 20 USD on price prediction means that you are on average 20 USD off your target mark in one way or another.

Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to train models on MAE using conventional algorithms because of the sharp kink around 0.0. For this reason, you may want to use a loss function that behaves as MAE for errors larger than 1 and as MSE for errors smaller than 1. This loss function is called Huber loss.

Huber loss

Generally, Huber loss uses a parameter $\delta$ to define the transition point between MSE and MAE: $$L(a, p) = \left\{\begin{aligned} \tfrac{1}{2}(a-p)^2 \quad\mathrm{for}\ |a-p| \le \delta \\ \delta\vert a - p \vert - \tfrac{1}{2}\delta^2 \quad\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. $$

In [5]:
huber = lambda delta,a,p: Piecewise((0.5*(a-p)**2, Abs(a-p) <= delta), (delta*Abs(a-p)-0.5*delta**2, True))
huber1_plot = plot(huber(1.0, 0, p),(p, -3, 3), show=False, line_color="green")
huber1_plot[0].label = "Huber $\delta=1.0$"
huber2_plot = plot(huber(2.0, 0, p),(p, -3, 3), show=False, line_color="turquoise")
huber2_plot[0].label = "Huber $\delta=2.0$"

Particularly interesting is that for $\delta=1.0$ Huber loss is asymptotically similar to MAE and behaves as MSE around 0. For other values of $\delta$, Huber loss still increases linearly for large errors and $\delta$ controls simply the slope of this growth.

In machine learning data frame analytics, we implemented the so-called Pseudo-Huber loss $$L(a_i,p_i) = \delta^2 \left(\sqrt{1+((a_i-p_i)/\delta)^2}-1\right).$$

This results in faster code while keeping the properties of the regular Huber loss.

In [6]:
pseudo_huber = lambda delta,a,p: delta**2*(sqrt(1+((a-p)/delta)**2)-1)
pseudo_huber1 = plot(pseudo_huber(1.0, 0,p),(p, -3, 3), show=False, legend=True, line_color='lightgreen')
pseudo_huber1[0].label='Pseud-Huber $\delta=1.0$'
huber1_plot.legend = True


To use Huber loss with a certain parameter $\delta$ in your data frame analytics regression job, you can specify parameter loss_function (set it to huber) and loss_function_parameter. Use Huber loss if you have outliers in your data coming from measurement errors. This is often the case when you can see a symmetric heavy-tailed distribution of residuals after training your model with MSE loss function.

You can experiment with different values of $\delta$, also the default value 1.0 is fine for most cases.

Mean squared logarithmic error (MSLE)

This loss function is used when you have positive targets distributed with a long tail such as log-normal distribution. There are numerous examples of such data: house pricing, income of private households, city population, etc.

In [7]:
from sympy.stats import LogNormal, density
z = symbols('z')
log_norm_1 = LogNormal("x", 0, 1.0)
log_norm_2 = LogNormal("x", 0, 0.5)
log_norm_3 = LogNormal("x", 0, 0.25)
pdf_plot1= plot(density(log_norm_1)(z), (z,0.01, 5), show=False, line_color="blue")
pdf_plot2= plot(density(log_norm_2)(z), (z,0.01, 5), show=False, line_color="green")
pdf_plot3= plot(density(log_norm_3)(z), (z,0.01, 5), show=False, line_color="red")

The distribution of the values has a "bump" for smaller values and then a long tail with a small number of very large values.

Naturally, when you want to predict the target values, you want to allow for an error depending on the magnitude of the target. It’s ok to miss a population of a metropolitan area by 10 000, but for a small town it is unforgivable. In this case MSLE can be more suitable for the regression job than MSE. As the name suggests, MSLE minimizes the quadratic difference between the logarithms of the actual value and the prediction $$L(a_i, p_i) = (\log(a_i + t) - \log(p_i + t))^2$$

For example, $\log\left((1 + 1100) / (1 + 1000)\right)^2$ is about the same as $\log((1 + 11000) / (1 + 10000))^2$ so missing a value by 10\% is penalised equivalently whether the actual error is 100 or 1000. At the same time, with MSE the latter case costs 100x more.

Qualitatively speaking, MSLE tends to lead to lower error for small targets and for higher error on large targets than MSE. This trade-off can be controlled by adjusting an offset parameter $t$ which is set to 1.0 by default. By increasing this parameter, you influence the “transition point” at which you go from minimizing quadratic error to minimizing quadratic log error.

Let's take a look how this offset affects quantitative results.

In [8]:
# We generate random data and train a simple linear model to minimize
# MSE and MSLE loss functions.
N = 10000
w = np.ones(5)
X = np.random.randn(N, 5)
y =
yexp = np.exp(y)

mse = lambda x: mean_squared_error(yexp,
def msle(x, t=1): 
    pred =
    pred[pred<0] = 0
    return mean_squared_log_error(yexp+t, pred)

x0 = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) #initial guess
res_mse = minimize(mse, x0, tol=1e-5) #MSE residuals
results = {} #MSLE residuals for different offsets
T = [1.0, 10.0, 100.0]
for t in T:
    results[t] = minimize(lambda x: msle(x, t), x0, tol=1e-5)

sorted_idx = np.argsort(yexp)
label_sorted = yexp[sorted_idx]
def get_sorted_residuals(results):
    residuals = yexp -['x'])
    return residuals[sorted_idx]

f, (axTop, axMiddle, axBottom) = pl.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 15))

# plot the density distribution of the target values on top
kde = gaussian_kde(yexp)
yrange = np.logspace(min(y), max(y), 100, base=np.exp(1))
axTop.plot(yrange, kde(yrange))

# plot the magnitudes of residuals for MSE and MSLE with different offsets
for t in T:
    # use a median filter to smooth residuals and see the trend.
    axMiddle.plot(label_sorted, median_filter(get_sorted_residuals(results[t]),  size=50), label='t={}'.format(t))
    axBottom.plot(label_sorted, median_filter(get_sorted_residuals(results[t]),  size=50), label='t={}'.format(t))                        
axMiddle.plot(label_sorted, median_filter(get_sorted_residuals(res_mse),  size=50), label='mse')
axBottom.plot(label_sorted, median_filter(get_sorted_residuals(res_mse),  size=50), label='mse')


Note that the scale of the y-axis in the bottom has been changed to be able to see those small residuals!

First, MSE tends to result in larger errors for small target values despite the fact that most of the targets are rather small. It rather focuses on producing smaller errors for large target values.

Second, if you look at the density of the target values (top diagram), you see that qualitatively the "transition point" happens somewhere around 10: we have a high concentration of small targets <10 and low number of targets >>10. Quantitatively, this "transition point" is somewhere between 80th and 90th percentile.

In [9]:
quantiles = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 11)
qvalues = np.quantile(yexp, np.linspace(0, 1.0, 11))
for q, val in zip(quantiles, qvalues):
    print("Percentile {:.0f}\tvalue {:.2f}".format(q*100, val))

Percentile 0	value 0.00
Percentile 10	value 0.06
Percentile 20	value 0.15
Percentile 30	value 0.31
Percentile 40	value 0.54
Percentile 50	value 0.96
Percentile 60	value 1.74
Percentile 70	value 3.10
Percentile 80	value 6.18
Percentile 90	value 16.46
Percentile 100	value 4891.30

Setting the offset parameter to 1.0 or 100.0 undershoots and overshoots this "transition point". Both lead to similar results with greater residuals for small targets and lower residuals for large targets compared to the offset parameter of 10.0. However, trying to "nail" the correct transition point super exactly is not worth it: setting offset parameter to 6.0 or 16.0 won't change the results significantly compared to 10.0.


To use MSLE with a certain parameter offset $t$ in your data frame analytics regression job, you can specify parameter loss_function (set it to msle) and loss_function_parameter. Try it, if you have one of the numerous examples of positive target values which scale over a large scale.

If you are unsure, train the model using MSE loss function and test residual for normality. If normality cannot be assumed, then you should try MSLE as well.

You can leave the loss_function_parameter as it is, but if you want to experiment with different offset values, it is recommended to set the value somewhere at the 80th percentile of the target distribution and then increase by an order of magnitude and look at the results qualitatively.